16 July 2017

Les Gets - Summer holidays - Harley Days Festival in Morzine

Love them or loath them one thing you cannot do is ignore the epic event that is Harley Days. The noise is incredible, the bikes stunning and the riders very friendly.

Les Gets - Summer holidays - Harley Days Festival in Morzine

Morzine comes alive and the mountains echo with the thump, thump of harley v twins. The rally attracts between 25,000 to 30,000 people and is held every two years. There are plenty of stalls selling all sorts of bike related paraphanalia from helmets to leather basques! If you want to get a harley tatoo be my guest at the tattoo parlor.

The daytime atmostphere is buzzing with lots to do . There are rideouts with harleys stretching as far as the eye can see, taking in this beautifull area that is the haute savoie. This year there are ride outs to the historic and very pretty village of Yvoire with its stunning silver spired church hugging Lake Geneva. Other rideouts include the honey tour taking in the heights and views of Avoriaz and riding through the georgeus valley of Lullin with honey tasting all along the route, also there are trips to Evain famed for its water. 

Sixt Fer a Chavel is too beautiful for words, and has been likened to Narnia with its numerous waterfalls cascading off sheer cliff tops. included are trips to the top of Forclaz where you can take in the whole vista of Lake Geneva and beautiful alpine meadows with cow bells clanging away, you half expect Julie Andrews to come sweeping over the mountain singing. And all this is just a stones throw from Les Gets/ Morzine.
There is also a concours event showing off some of the most ingenious customised harleys that their owners have slaved over to get them ready for the show, everyone unique. One thing you cannot miss is the wall of death, with bikes wizzing arround inches apart, only held up by the law of gravity.

The atmosphere becomes elecric at night, with two stages hosting fabulous rock groups.

Over the years we have had headline bands such as Status Quo, Toto and Simple Minds just to mention a few. This year is no different with the original Blues brothers band all free gratus and for nothing!! The music generally starts at 4 oclock in the afternoon and runs till one oclock at night with something that will suit everyones tastes. On the final day after the last group has played there is the most spectacular firework display that seems never ending and all to a wonderfull soundtrack. Well thats about it so if you will excuse me im off to get my Harley tatoo!!

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