Les Gets - Chalets1066 style coverage of Grand Odyssee race
If you were in Les Gets town today, you may have noticed the distinct sound of barking and cheering travelling through the centre.
![Les Gets - Chalets1066 style coverage of Grand Odyssee race](/images/assets_blog/2016/01/grand-odyssee-race-in-les-gets-today.jpg)
Today was the Grand Odyssee race, where huskies and their loyal sledders race to the top of the Chavanne ski run. If you are a common reader of our blogs, you’ll remember last week’s theme was talking about the two week and 800 mile trek these sledders are embarking on, an annual event you won’t have wanted to miss. The Les Gets stretch of the race is the second day in and 49km through the slopes, with 9 to 12 teams fighting for the first trophy spread over a 3 day race.
Results are yet to come in as times are taken into account across the alps, we just hope all the dogs get a big well done and juicy bone at the end. To follow the teams through the races click on the link below where you can find coverage of the entire event. Make sure you also check out our Instagram for our 1066-style coverage from today @Chalets1066
If you've just left Les Gets and have fallen in love with the area (it’s not hard we don’t judge you) think about events the summer has to offer. Chalets 1066 are already taking bookings for the summer period with accommodation for the Crankworx event in June 15th-19th. Dirt biking with a classy edge, well when I say classy - there will be champagne. Les Gets holiday makers swap their salopets for shorts and hook their bikes to the chair lifts for an extravagant day. To find out more follow the link or contact us for more information on available accommodation.
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