26 September 2020

First Snow - 20cm this morning on the Chavannes Side

Fresh snow fell overnight and more is forecast tonight. We took a walk to the top of the Chavannes Express this morning, there was as much as 20cm ( 8 inches) of snow. George was having a great time rolling in the new snow.

All pictures in this blog were taken on the morning of Saturday 26th September.

First Snow - 20cm this morning on the Chavannes Side

This picture is on the walk from the Chavannes area to the Les Gets bowl - you can see how beautiful the snow is.


By 10:30 the local children were out enjoying the snow.


This is the view of the Nabor lift. you can see that the sky is heavy with more snow.


This picture is in so you can see the depth - should have brought snowshoes!


This is the top of the Chavannes express - an area familiar to most who have been to Les Gets.


The view from close to the top of the Chavannes Express.


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